Hello. Gary Here. There probably isnt anyone any better on wheels then me. Probably many are as good, and I am guessing they charge for the labor as well. I am
in Big Rapids, Michigan. Quality wheels are expensive everywhere. I can lace a new rim onto your
existing driveline depending on the rim cost for $45 labor, using existing spokes, repacked bearings, plus shipping. I can repair
some serious damage, send pictures. There are economy wheels available, but if
you have quality hubs your killing your bikes value. Not many complain about good quality rims being replaced, but if your bike was a high end model, those original hubs are far better and you know how many miles are on them. Between my son Mike, and I we can rebuild or restore any bike to your specifications, the limit being your finances
We sublet all chrome and paint, at my cost. Got a cool old bike to build? Our bargain rebuild and clean up will make most any bike nicer.
We sublet all chrome and paint, at my cost. Got a cool old bike to build? Our bargain rebuild and clean up will make most any bike nicer.
The begining. 2001 A Bike Oddyssey

This is our shop, in 2001. to the right of the camera, unseen, is over 200 bicycles, all tuned up and ready to sell. Counting This row, which came in every night, and the inside bikes, over 300 bicycles.
2003. Scrapped them all. Big Rapids people will not ride bicycles. Never again. We repair bikes, sell a few in town, but almost 100 percent collectible bikes and parts over ebay.
2003. Scrapped them all. Big Rapids people will not ride bicycles. Never again. We repair bikes, sell a few in town, but almost 100 percent collectible bikes and parts over ebay.
Coming Soon!!
Photo Album of our past & present bikes!